
right now i dont quite know how to explain how im feeling. its like last week i was riding this huge wave of inspiration and amazing ideas, and this past week, ive just been blah, like im giving up. I dont know if its because i didnt create on a regular basis this week, or if i didnt get in touch with my inner being this week. I want my creative dreams to become real, and i want to be an inpiration to others. I want people to wake up and instantly log onto my page to see whats new in my world. i want to create lovely meaningful art that  talks to others. i want to be free and connected with my feelings, this earth and my lovely little self. i want to feel love all around me and be glowing from the inside out. I want to live the life of my dreams. i want to  pick wildflowers, read books under big shady trees, and sip tea while watching the birds. i want such a relaxing, meaningful life. AND IM READY TO START THE JOURNEY NOW.

Bharath has been home from work more than usual this week, maybe thats what my deal is. sometimes i just dont know how to be myself around him, it feels as if hes watching and criticizing my every move. Like i cant do anything right. He has something to say about everything i do. Like "did you wash your hands?" "did you put the toilet seat down" just stupid little everyday life things. And maybe its getting on my nerves. We went out to pasquals for breakfast and we got in a fight about my parking job. I tried to pull in and it didnt work the first time, so i was just gonna go turn around and he started yelling at me " your 22 years old, you need to learn how to park....ETC" and it made me feel really down. Its not that i dont know how to park, i just didnt feel comfortable parking in that spot from the angle i was at...and is that NOT okay? and then later once we were okay with eachother he brings it up again "you need to learn how to park...what if you cant find the easy way out sometime and you have kids...youre not gonna walk a mile with kids...blah blah blah!!!!!" and also, ive been yelled at twice for going to the bathroom and not scrubbing the toleit because there was cleaner in there....once i didnt know...and once there really wasnt cleaner in it. its not like i look at the water before i pee...i sit down to pee..i dont stand up. GRRRRR. so theres my venting. i probably needed to get this out. and im glad i did.

when i got home from pasquals i did a chakra meditation and i worked on a couple of art journaling pages. i really need to make myself a real art journal and stop using all these loose pieces of cardstock. hmmm. and i need to get my butt back into writing down todo lists....i feel it keeps me very focused and more motivated to get things done. :D indeed.

well....peace for now.


Alright creative beauties!
 Stop what your doing, grab your journal, canvas or a piece of paper and CREATE!!!! Do something that you've been wanting to do for awhile, experiment, explore the possiblities and CREATE something. Stop procrastinating, and make your dreams come to life. Fill the pages with your thoughts, how your day went, scribbles, doodles, random blobs of paint. Create until your heart is content.  Be spontaneous and most of all, enjoy yourself.


What a lovely day its been. I woke up (later than i would have liked) and felt inspired to paint. Ive been trying to paint or create on a regular basis now, and so far so good. I love the feeling that I get when I accomplish a painting, or even just start one. It makes me happy to do the things that I love. It gives me this rush of feel good energy and sometimes inspires me to create other projects. Lately ive just been experiementing, figuring out what I like and what works for me. Ive tried a couple of new techniques and bought some new supplies. My favorite right now is using my mini-misters. I dont have any stencils, but they will soon be on the "to buy list" as well as the adirondack spray inks! I WANT THOSE SOOO BAD. why doesnt michaels or joann fabric sell them!? ohhh well. it will be well worth the wait. I did however pick up the Adirondack alcohol ink...dont quite know how to use them yet. I did put a little bit into one of my mini misters, but its not really the consistency or color that i was going for.

One thing i really want to work on is drawing and writing on journal pages. I feel like thats where i just stop. Maybe I have a fear of not letting myself just go with the flow. I feel like if I write on it or draw on it, somehow someway i will ruin what i just made. But that is part of the process, part of experiementing. Samantha Kira over at www.journalgirl.com had a wonderful inspiring post on drawing in art journals yesterday. It made me want to just let loose and let the fear go. So that is going to be something that i will work on. 

On another note, I just made a new journal. Its going to be my journal of dreams and gratitude. I would like to start remembering my dreams, and figuring out what they are trying to tell me. I have done this in the past, and its worked quite well. So time to do it again.  Also, I want to write down what im grateful for and things that I love. I want to be more in touch with who i am and enjoy life to fullest.

Well, thats it for now. Off to get ready for a wine locker event that the lover and i are attending tonight!  

Lots of Love


things i want to do on a regular basis

"Do More of What You Love"

- things i want to do more of -

be thankful
drink tea
write in a journal
enjoy life
drink more water
eat healthy


things that make me smile :D

owls are one of my favorite animals. when i was younger my grandmas house was decorated with owls and it terrified me. 

an awesome idea for some extra jars laying around. 

this makes me giddy! oh i love love it!

how lovely. 

TAKE ME HERE NOW! this is so perfect

amazing. love the pattern.

really diggin the plate wall collage lately

this is probably my dream home. just needs a cute little porch, and a tree house in the back :D 

must do this! its lovely.

isnt that the truth. except i need my kitties too. 

*all pictures found on pinterest*

Lots of Love


my first time filming

This is a video I made the other day of my playing around with differnt techniques on a piece of card stock paper. This is my very first video and am rather pleased with how it came out. Look forward to many many many more. 

List of Materals Used

*found paper
*craft paint
*washi tape
* fabric
* magazine
* copic
* bird embellishment
* mini misters

Lots of Love


New Blog

     Hello lovely humans, my name is Alexandria. I am 21 years old and live in Madison, WI. I am engaged to a wonderful loving man named Bharath. We have 2 cats, Squeek and Harlow,  and a beautiful Yellow Lab puppy, Brooklyn.  I work at Panera Bread, and enjoy reading, drawing, painting, and art journaling. I love to create and see the beauty in little things. I love life and the entire existence of our beautiful planet. Im a hippie at heart and enjoy nature.
  Well, its been many years since ive last written in a blog. Somewhere along the line the habit was broken, and the years went by. BUT Im back and ready for another go-around.
   Unlike my other personal blogs before, this blog is going to be focusing on my art journaling. How its done, my favorite techniques, videos, pictures, inspiration and MUCH MUCH MORE. Welcome, come along and enjoy the journey.

This is my LIFE 
Me and my Love,  Bharath

Brooklyn and Squeek

part of an art journal page

Lots of Love